Bold yet graceful, our Sweet Thing arrangement is a stunning expression of modern romance. This vibrant arrangement features lush peonies, soft blush roses, and delicate blooms in varying shades of pink, thoughtfully arranged in a sleek glass vase. The rich color palette adds a touch of playful sophistication, perfect for celebrations, romantic gestures, or simply brightening your space.
Please note vase sizes and styles may vary.
- Petite: Perfect for when you want to send a little something. This size works well for bedside tables, vanities, or anywhere that could use a small pop of fresh flowers.
- Standard: Our standard size. A good size for a centerpiece on a dining table.
- Premium: When you want a little more than just our standard arrangement. A good size for a centerpiece on a dining table.
- Luxe: When you want to make a statement or make the recipient feel extra special. A good size for an entryway table, bar, or buffet, but is likely too tall to serve as a centerpiece.
Bold yet graceful, our Sweet Thing arrangement is a stunning expression of modern romance. This vibrant arrangement features lush peonies, soft blush roses, and delicate blooms in varying shades of pink, thoughtfully arranged in a sleek glass vase. The rich color palette adds a touch of playful sophistication, perfect for celebrations, romantic gestures, or simply brightening your space.
Please note vase sizes and styles may vary.
- Petite: Perfect for when you want to send a little something. This size works well for bedside tables, vanities, or anywhere that could use a small pop of fresh flowers.
- Standard: Our standard size. A good size for a centerpiece on a dining table.
- Premium: When you want a little more than just our standard arrangement. A good size for a centerpiece on a dining table.
- Luxe: When you want to make a statement or make the recipient feel extra special. A good size for an entryway table, bar, or buffet, but is likely too tall to serve as a centerpiece.